Alzheimer's Fundraisers -

The San Luis Obispo Manticores 5v5 armored combat team is a proud supporter of the Alzheimer's Associations central coast chapters.

We support both The Longest Day and ALZ WALK fundraisers, and have been getting involved since 2021. 

Along with the Santa Barbara Soldados, we support the Walk to End Alzheimer's by wearing our full armor weighing 60-80 pounds during the walk and raising donations from our family and friends.

During the Longest Day Campaigns , we fight for the public and accept donations from whoever wants to donate. All proceeds going to .


2024 Longest Day Campaign Event:

The 2024 medieval profights at The Benedict Center Gym Facility, will be a fun day of knight fighting and is open to the public, at no cost or donation. Donations are encouraged. We will have 1v1 matchups where the winner is determined based on a point system similar to MMA/UFC formats. Kid friendly environment for all ages. pictures with knights are encouraged. Young children can hit the knights with their parents supervision. Hot dogs and water will be available to trade for donations. Free parking and free entry. No entry for anyone under age 14 without an adult present.

Event Time: 11am - 2pm

The profight rules:

  • best of 3, two minute long rounds
  • 1 point for each clean weapon strike to head, body, or legs.
  • 1 point for each clean punch strike to head, body, or legs.
  • 1 point for each clean kick strike to head, body, or legs.
  • 4 points for successful takedown/throw (must be in dominant position)
  • minus 3 points for a dropped weapon or disarm
  • minus 3 points for armor failure repairs, if longer than the allowed 1 minute repair window.
  • ground striking points available for 10 seconds after successful takedown/throw
  • no clinch longer than 7 seconds
  • no chokeholds or arm/leg bars
  • no stabbing/thrusting
  • no hitting behind the knees
  • no hammers or spiked axes


Why Do We Support

There is no cure for Alzheimer's and we don't know why it happens or who it will affect. Alzheimer's can make our most loved family members forget who we are. Those affected, live in a lonely world without some of their most cherished memories. Our team has a lot of compassion for those affected by Alzheimer's and their families/friends. We commit our time and energy to helping those in need. 

We are bonked in the head a lot in our crazy sport of Buhurt Armored Combat, so we are aware that we might have a higher risk. We support finding the cure to Alzheimer's and Dementia to save people we know, and those we don't know.

As the world's largest nonprofit funder of Alzheimer's research, the Alzheimer's Association is committed to accelerating the global effort to eliminate Alzheimer's and all other dementia. They have undertaken a multitude of diverse research initiatives working toward methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure. They do that, through a list of focuses and we think the most important is to ask the question, "where does the money go?" 

Funding - Where do the donation go?

The Alzheimer's Association funds independent researchers worldwide through their International Research Grant Program. The Association currently has more than $405 million invested in over 1,100 active projects in 56 countries spanning six continents. Their grants have funded some of the most instrumental research in Alzheimer's and dementia science.

Their funding is peer-reviewed by a vast international network of active scientists and carefully vetted by a Medical and Scientific Advisory Group, which includes leaders from the Alzheimer's and dementia research community with expertise ranging from bench research to clinical care to community health and support services.

In aggressive pursuit of their vision of a world without Alzheimer's®, the Alzheimer's Association made its largest-ever research investment in 2023, granting a landmark $100 million to 271 scientific investigations.

For more information on funded grants - 

All information on their commitment to research -


Contact The San Luis Obispo Manticores today to bring more excitement to your fundraiser or nonprofit event, at no cost.


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